Linux System Load Average

How to Calculate Linux System Load Average in percentage

Understanding Key CPU Metrics:

1. CPU Usage Percentage

2. Load Average

3. Context Switches

4. CPU Time Breakdown

5. Interrupts Per Second

Important key Metrics of the script:

Fetching Load Averages: 

Determining CPU Cores:

Calculating Percentages:

Important Note:

Linux System Load Average bash script:



Hostnames=$(uname -n | cut -d. -f1)

os_type=$(uname -s)

case "$os_type" in


# Define color variables



NC="\033[0m" # No Color


# Get the CPU load averages

load_avg_1min=$(uptime | awk -F'load average: ' '{print $2}' | cut -d ',' -f1 | tr -d ' ')

load_avg_5min=$(uptime | awk -F'load average: ' '{print $2}' | cut -d ',' -f2 | tr -d ' ')

load_avg_15min=$(uptime| awk -F'load average: ' '{print $2}' | cut -d ',' -f3 | tr -d ' ')

# Get the number of CPU cores

cpu_core=$(nproc --all)

# Calculate percentages

percentage_1min=$(echo "scale=2; ($load_avg_1min / $cpu_core) * 100" | bc)

percentage_5min=$(echo "scale=2; ($load_avg_5min / $cpu_core) * 100" | bc)

percentage_15min=$(echo "scale=2; ($load_avg_15min / $cpu_core) * 100" | bc)

if (( $(echo "$percentage_1min >= $cputhreshold" | bc -l) )); then

# Print the table header in a box

printf "+------------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------------+--------+\n"

printf "| %-16s | %-17s | %-16s | %-14s | %-06s |\n" "HostName" "Time Intervals" "Load Average" "System Load (%)" "Status"

printf "+------------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------------+--------+\n"

# Print the table rows

printf "| %-16s | %-17s | %-16s | %-15s | ${YELLOW}%-06s${NC} |\n" "" "1 minute" "$load_avg_1min" "$percentage_1min%" ""

printf "| %-16s | %-17s | %-16s | %-15s | ${YELLOW}%-06s${NC} |\n" "$Hostnames" "5 minutes" "$load_avg_5min" "$percentage_5min%" "High"

printf "| %-16s | %-17s | %-16s | %-15s | ${YELLOW}%-06s${NC} |\n" "" "15 minutes" "$load_avg_15min" "$percentage_15min%" ""

# Print the bottom border of the table box

printf "+------------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------------+--------+\n"


# Print the table header in a box

printf "+------------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------------+--------+\n"

printf "| %-16s | %-17s | %-16s | %-14s | %-06s |\n" "HostName" "Time Intervals" "Load Average" "System Load (%)" "Status"

printf "+------------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------------+--------+\n"

# Print the table rows

printf "| %-16s | %-17s | %-16s | %-15s | ${GREEN}%-06s${NC} |\n" "" "1 minute" "$load_avg_1min" "$percentage_1min%" ""

printf "| %-16s | %-17s | %-16s | %-15s | ${GREEN}%-06s${NC} |\n" "$Hostnames" "5 minutes" "$load_avg_5min" "$percentage_5min%" "Normal"

printf "| %-16s | %-17s | %-16s | %-15s | ${GREEN}%-06s${NC} |\n" "" "15 minutes" "$load_avg_15min" "$percentage_15min%" ""

# Print the bottom border of the table box

printf "+------------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------------+--------+\n"




    echo -e "This script is not supported for $os_type - $Hostnames"



Script output: Below is the referenced script output for calculating system load average usage in percentage. Download 

Script Output:

centos# sh


| HostName         | Time Intervals    | Load Average     | System Load (%) | Status |


|                  | 1 minute          | 0.16             | 8.00%           |        |

| centos           | 5 minutes         | 0.05             | 2.00%           | Normal |

|                  | 15 minutes        | 0.06             | 3.00%           |        |

